30 September 2010

house warming

I had a few ladies over last night to make my new place feel a little warmer. I know it's only been a month, but living alone doesn't seem to be my cup of tea. I grew up in a full house with a loving family,  so I think a house (or apartment, in my case) does not feel like a home unless I have someone to share it with. I am a lot like my Gramma in this way, I think. Not to worry, though - I haven't given up on single living yet. Besides, I have 8 more months to learn how to enjoy it. So, anyway - packing my apartment with a dozen or so lovely ladies helped me to feel a little more at home. Their chatter and laughter filled the apartment. It made me so happy to see each of their beautiful faces smiling in my home (please note Olivia's oddly perfect doll teeth - ha!). 

The last photo really does not do it any justice, but I believe I managed to pull off close to if not one of the best desserts I've ever made. It was a plum-cardamom upside down cake, which I served with a vanilla custard sauce. So delicious! Had I not been in such a hurry putting it together before all the girls arrived, I would have taken some nicer pictures. The recipe was from Classic Stars Desserts by Emily Luchetti. After tasting that little bit of heaven, I am convinced I must try every recipe in her book. 


  1. I felt the same way when I first lived solo. I think the key is lots of light in the apartment (My window looked out at a brick wall...) and regular visitors. A good internet connection doesn't hurt!

    By the way, your place is so gorgeous and cozy! You have a gift for interior design.

  2. I am dreaming of this amazing cake- one of my favorite cakes ever! your party, baking, company & home were lovely

  3. wait that isn't actually olivia's teeth right?!

  4. It looks like a fun time! Congrats :)

  5. Let's do it all again and again!
